Retail Keeps Your Revenue Flowing, Even When the Wax Pots Cool Down

Retail Keeps Your Revenue Flowing, Even When the Wax Pots Cool Down


Hey Esthi Besties! We know the waxing biz can get a little slow this time of year, and when it does, the idea of stocking up on retail products might feel like an expense you just can't justify. But let me tell you—retail is the secret to boosting that bottom line, even when bookings aren’t coming in like hotcakes. Let’s dive into how retail can be your bestie during slow times and why adding Zandi Land’s aftercare products is an easy, game-changing move.

When it’s slow, retail can give you the bump your revenue needs. 

One of the most important things to remember is that retail sales help stabilize your revenue when bookings dip. Imagine you’re not just relying on service income but also boosting each client’s checkout with retail. This means you are making the most of each and every single client. Adding products like Deck Scrub, Deck Polish, Deck Glow or Dexecutive Assistant into the mix can take a basic Brazilian from a one-time service to a lasting relationship. When clients get the right aftercare, they're way more likely to come back with fewer ingrowns, less irritation, better skin—and they’ll trust you as the pro who keeps their skin smooth and glowing.

Retail Math 101: Boosting Your Average Revenue per Wax

We know you love your numbers, so let’s break down the math to show just how retail can increase your income. Let’s say you’re doing Brazilian waxes at $60 each, with an average of 5 clients per day. That’s $300 in service revenue per day. Now, what if you add in retail?

If you’re selling Dexecutive Assistant at $14—a super easy, low-commitment add-on that clients love for keeping their winter skin from turning into sandpaper—and you get just 2 of your 5 clients to pick it up, that’s an extra $28 per day. Over the course of a week, you’re adding an extra $140 in revenue, which can really make a difference. That's over $7000 a year added to your revenue. 

If your clients go for an aftercare regimen that will really keep their skin in tip top shape, like Deck Scrub ($24) and Deck Polish ($24), the numbers get even juicier.

With just one client buying both, you’re adding $48 to that day’s total. If you can upsell two clients a day, that’s an additional $96 per day. That almost $100 per day adds up to $400-500 per week, depending on how many days a week you work! That can end up being a huge $26,000 per year! And with our great margins, at least half of that is pure profit in your pocket baby!

Retail is a great way to not only bring in extra cash with no extra time added, but also build loyalty by giving clients what they need to keep their skin in prime condition.

Tips for Retailing Like a Pro

  • Plant the Seed During the Service: It's really about offering education, not selling. While you’re working your magic, mention how Deck Scrub helps keep their skin exfoliated and prevents ingrowns. Make it a casual convo, not a sales pitch—you’re the skin guru, after all.
  • Keep Products Visible: Displaying products where clients can see them makes it easy to introduce them. Curate a cute retail area in your space and make sure to have your marketing materials and pricing cards up so clients can browse even while they wait for you.
  • Bundle It Up: Create aftercare kits with a few Zandi Land goodies. Packaging Dexecutive Assistant with Deck Scrub or Deck Polish is a great way to increase the value of each sale, and clients love the convenience. Or try our pre-packed Kitty Care Kits that client’s can scoop up and go home with.
  • Make it a Statement: Since you’ve already prepped them with all the product education during their service, close the deal with a confident statement as you show them the products specifically recommended for them. “These are the products that I told you about that will help keep your skin ingrown free and ready for your next wax, if you wanted to take those home today”.
  • Sweeten the Deal: Offer a small discount for first-time clients who purchase retail with their first service. This can help you hook them in and get them invested in their own aftercare from day one. Because at the end of the day, aftercare is an investment your client’s make in themselves and maintaining the results of your service. 

Making Retail a Part of the Client Experience

Retail isn’t just about making more money—it’s also about leveling up the client experience. When you use Deck Polish (available in back bar sizes) to finish your wax, you’re introducing them to the product experience right in the service.

By giving them the rest of the tools they need to extend the life of their wax and feel more confident in their skin, you are setting them up for success. And when clients see the benefits of using great aftercare, they’re more likely to come back to you regularly and refer their friend. It’s a win-win! 

Our Newest Product: The $14 Savior for Dry Winter Skin

If client’s aren’t ready to invest in a full aftercare routine (even though we know they need one!), let’s not underestimate Dexecutive Assistant. Winter can do a number on skin—it’s dry, flaky, and crying out for help. Dexecutive Assistant is the perfect entry-level product for clients who want to take care of their skin without a big commitment.

It’s affordable, it’s effective, and it’s a great way to show clients that aftercare doesn’t need to break the bank. Plus client’s can toss their loofah for something even better, giving them full body intense exfoliation. Getting a $14 product into their hands could easily lead them to invest in a full aftercare routine later on—and that’s when you’ll see both their results and your retail numbers really shine.

Stay Ready, So You Don’t Have to Get Ready

Adding retail isn’t just for the good times—it’s what keeps the wheels turning during the slow ones. By integrating Zandi Land’s top-notch aftercare products like Deck Scrub, Deck Polish, and Dexecutive Assistant into your services, you’re keeping clients happy, boosting your income, and ensuring they come back for more. So stock that shelf, get your retail game strong, and turn those slow weeks into opportunities for steady growth.

Ready to get glowing? Let’s make this slow season your most profitable one yet! And if you aren't a Zandi Land Pro yet, sign up for our wholesale pricing here to get wholesale pricing, exclusive products and special Pro only deals! 


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